Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RCU:6107 DB Init Param Error

While Installing Repository Creation Utility (RCU) Installation the following error occurs: RCU:6107 DB Init Param Error This can be removed simply by the following: 1. Login on your database with system user. 2. Write > show parameters processes (which will show the current value of processes). 3. If its value is less than 500 then write the following command: ALTER SYSTEM SET PROCESSES=500 SCOPE=SPFILE; 4. Write > show parameters open_cursors (which will show the current value of open_cursors). 5. If its value is less than 500 then write the following command: ALTER SYSTEM SET OPEN_CURSORS=500 SCOPE=SPFILE; 6. Restart your DB or system. 7. Start the installation now…. There will be no error…..

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