Thursday, March 31, 2011

OID Commnads

1. ./ldapbind -h -p -D "cn=orcladmin" -w

This command is used to check the connectivity to OID Server from other application .
Can also be used to check the password of the user orcladmin,the port number and the hostname

2. ./ldapsearch -p -h -D "Service Account DN" -w "service account password" -b "" -s base "objectclasss=*" highestCommittedUSN

This command is used to get the Last Applied Change Number.This is mainly used if OID-AD Synchronization is implemented. When ever there is a change in AD ,the LACN number will change. Suppose if OID-AD synhronization is failed and the new user is not getting synchronized with OID .Then you can use this command to check the LACN number in OID (which we will get from ODM ) and the result you will get from the above LDAP search command.

3. ./dipassistant bootstrap -host -port -profile ActiveChgImp2 -dn cn=orcladmin

This command is used to do the bootstrap of OID. This command is also used if OID-AD Synchronization is implemented. This command will load the user from AD to OID ,based on the container you give in the domain rule .

4 .ldapcommand to find the number of users in OID

5. ./dipassistant mp -host -p -dn "cn=orcladmin" -profile ActiveChgImp1 odip.profile.mapfile=Location of activechg_emc.map2.master

This command is used to update the activechg_emc.map2.master after adding the domain rule .

6. ldapsearch -p -h <"Container from where you want to search ou=internal users,dc=corp,dc=oracle,dc=com"> \-s sub "cn= perftest001" createtimestamp orclguid

This command will search the user perftest001 in the OID and will display his createtimestamp and orclguid .

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