Thursday, June 26, 2014
WNA configuration in Oracle Access Manager 11g R2 PS2
OAM 11g(integrated with OAAM 11g) user not able to login to a protected resource intermittently
Hi All,
Recently I came across a weird intermittent login issue in OAM 11g protected resource when it's integrated with OAAM 11g.
As far as I know there is only one place(OAM Admin console >> System configuration >> common settings) where we can change the max session timeout. By default, Max session value will be 480 min. I got requirement to change the max session timeout from 8 hrs to 12 hrs. So I just changed the setting accordingly and bounced the services.
After increasing the max timeout setting user is not able to login all of sudden.
After so much struggle i found the pattern of the issue. User will not be able to login starting from 8th hour of user last login and before 12th hour(Essentially, user will not be able to login for period of 4 hrs). Once clock hits 12th hour user can login as usual.
Then finally after discussing with Oracle support there they provided a fix for this issue.
Here is the solution:
1. On the Admin Server, take a backup of the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam-config.xml
2. Edit the oam-config.xml file, searching for CredentialValidityInterval (this defaults to 480 minutes, or 8 hours)
3. Change this field to match the configured OAM session timeout
4. Find the Version field, eg:
and increment the version value:
Then, Bounce OAM services and test the scenario.
OBIEE 11g New Features
Security in OBIA
How to change the logo in the OBIEE11G Reports
How to change the logo in the OBIEE11G Reports
Place the customized logo n the below locations
After placing the image restart the BI Services.
In Logo of Title View the format is like:- fmap:Images/image.jpg
Monday, June 23, 2014
Hyperion Issues
RAC Commands
srvctl commands in Oracle RAC
SRVCTL: (Server Control utility)
srvctl command target [options]
commands: enable|disable|start|stop|relocate|status|add|remove|modify|getenv|setenv|unsetenv|config
targets: database/db|instance/inst|service/serv|nodeapps|asm|listener
targets: database/db|instance/inst|service/serv|nodeapps|asm|listener |diskgroup|home|ons|eons|filesystem|gns|oc4j|scan|scan_listener |srvpool|server|VIP -- From Oracle 11g R2
srvctl -help or srvctl -v
srvctl -V -- prints version
srvctl version: (or) srvctl version:
srvctl -h -- print usage
srvctl status service –h
srvctl add database -d db_name -o ORACLE_HOME [-m domain_name][-p spfile] [-A name|ip/netmask]
[-s start_options] [-n db_name] [-y {AUTOMATIC|MANUAL}]
srvctl add database -d prod -o /u01/oracle/product/102/prod
srvctl remove database -d db_name [-f]
srvctl remove database -d prod
srvctl start database -d db_name [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl start database -d db_name [-o open]
srvctl start database -d db_name -o nomount
srvctl start database -d db_name -o mount
srvctl start db -d prod
srvctl start database -d apps -o open
srvctl stop database -d db_name [-o stop_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl stop database -d db_name [-o normal]
srvctl stop database -d db_name -o transactional
srvctl stop database -d db_name -o immediate
srvctl stop database -d db_name -o abort
srvctl stop db -d crm -o immediate
srvctl status database -d db_name [-f] [-v] [-S level]
srvctl status database -d db_name -v service_name
srvctl status database -d hrms
srvctl enable database -d db_name
srvctl enable database -d vis
srvctl disable database -d db_name
srvctl disable db -d vis
srvctl config database
srvctl config database -d db_name [-a] [-t]
srvctl config database
srvctl config database -d HYD -a
srvctl modify database -d db_name [-n db_name] [-o ORACLE_HOME] [-m domain_name] [-p spfile]
srvctl modify database -d hrms -r physical_standby
srvctl modify db -d RAC -p /u03/oradata/RAC/spfileRAC.ora -- moves p file
srvctl modify database –d HYD –o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1/db –s open
srvctl getenv database -d db_name [-t name_list]
srvctl getenv database -d prod
srvctl setenv database -d db_name {-t name=val[,name=val,...]|-T name=val}
srvctl setenv database –d HYD –t “TNS_ADMIN=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1/asm/network/admin”
srvctl setenv db -d prod -t LANG=en
srvctl unsetenv database -d db_name [-t name_list]
srvctl unsetenv database -d prod -t CLASSPATH
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl add database -d db_unique_name -o ORACLE_HOME [-x node_name] [-m domain_name] [-p spfile] [-r {PRIMARY|PHYSICAL_STANDBY|LOGICAL_STANDBY|SNAPSHOT_STANDBY}] [-s start_options] [-t stop_options] [-n db_name] [-y {AUTOMATIC|MANUAL}] [-g server_pool_list] [-a "diskgroup_list"]
srvctl add database -d prod -o /u01/oracle/product/112/prod -m -p +dg1/prod/spfileprod.ora -r PRIMARY -s open -t normal -n db2 -y AUTOMATIC -g svrpool1,svrpool2 -a "dg1,dg2"
srvctl remove database -d db_unique_name [-f] [-y] [-v]
srvctl remove database -d prod -y
srvctl stop database -d db_unique_name [-o stop_options] [-f]
srvctl stop database -d dev -f
srvctl status database -d db_unique_name [-f] [-v]
srvctl status db -d sat -v
srvctl enable database -d db_unique_name [-n node_name]
srvctl enable database -d vis -n lnx01
srvctl disable database -d db_unique_name [-n node_name]
srvctl disable db -d vis -n lnx03
srvctl config database [-d db_unique_name [-a]]
srvctl config db -d db_erp -a
srvctl modify database -d db_unique_name [-n db_name] [-o ORACLE_HOME] [-u oracle_user] [-m domain] [-p spfile] [-r {PRIMARY|PHYSICAL_STANDBY|LOGICAL_STANDBY|SNAPSHOT_STANDBY}] [-s start_options] [-t stop_options] [-y {AUTOMATIC|MANUAL}] [-g "server_pool_list"] [-a "diskgroup_list"|-z]
srvctl modify db -d prod -r logical_standby
srvctl modify database -d racTest -a "SYSFILES,LOGS,OLTP"
srvctl modify database -d ronedb -e rac1,rac2
srvctl relocate database -d db_unique_name {[-n target_node] [-w timeout] | -a [-r]} [-v]
srvctl relocate database -d rontest -n node2
srvctl relocate database -d rone2db -n lnxrac2 -w 120 -v
srvctl convert database -d ....
srvctl convert database -d ronedb -c RAC -n rac1
srvctl convert database -d ronedb -c RACONENODE -i RoneDB
srvctl add instance –d db_name –i inst_name -n node_name
srvctl add instance -d prod -i prod01 -n linux01
srvctl remove instance –d db_name –i inst_name [-f]
srvctl remove instance -d prod -i prod01
srvctl start instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o open]
srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o nomount
srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o mount
srvctl start instance –d dev -i dev2
srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o stop_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o normal]
srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o transactional
srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o immediate
srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o abort
srvctl stop inst –d vis -i vis
srvctl status instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-f] [-v] [-S level]
srvctl status inst –d racdb -i racdb2
srvctl enable instance –d db_name –i inst_names
srvctl enable instance -d prod -i "prod1,prod2"
srvctl disable instance –d db_name –i inst_names
srvctl disable inst -d prod -i "prod1,prod3"
srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name {-s asm_inst_name|-r} -- set dependency of instance to ASM
srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name -n node_name -- move the instance
srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name -r -- remove the instance
srvctl getenv instance –d db_name –i inst_name [-t name_list]
srvctl setenv instance –d db_name [–i inst_name] {-t "name=val[,name=val,...]" | -T "name=val"}
srvctl unsetenv instance –d db_name [–i inst_name] [-t name_list]
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl start instance -d db_unique_name {-n node_name -i "instance_name_list"} [-o start_options]
srvctl start instance -d prod -n node2
srvctl start inst -d prod -i "prod2,prod3"
srvctl stop instance -d db_unique_name {[-n node_name]|[-i "instance_name_list"]} [-o stop_options] [-f]
srvctl stop inst -d prod -n node1
srvctl stop instance -d prod -i prod1
srvctl status instance -d db_unique_name {-n node_name | -i "instance_name_list"} [-f] [-v]
srvctl status instance -d prod -i "prod1,prod2" -v
srvctl modify instance -d db_unique_name -i instance_name {-n node_name|-z}
srvctl modify instance -d prod -i prod1 -n mynode
srvctl modify inst -d prod -i prod1 -z
srvctl add service -d db_name -s service_name -r pref_insts [-a avail_insts] [-P TAF_policy]
srvctl add service -d db_name -s service_name -u {-r "new_pref_inst" | -a "new_avail_inst"}
srvctl add service -d RAC -s PRD -r RAC01,RAC02 -a RAC03,RAC04
srvctl add serv -d CRM -s CRM -r CRM1 -a CRM3 -P basic
srvctl remove service -d db_name -s service_name [-i inst_name] [-f]
srvctl remove serv -d dev -s sales
srvctl remove service -d dev -s sales -i dev01,dev02
srvctl start service -d db_name [-s service_names [-i inst_name]] [-o start_options]
srvctl start service -d db_name -s service_names [-o open]
srvctl start service -d db_name -s service_names -o nomount
srvctl start service -d db_name -s service_names -o mount
srvctl start serv -d dwh -s dwh
srvctl stop service -d db_name [-s service_names [-i inst_name]] [-f]
srvctl stop serv -d dwh -s dwh
srvctl status service -d db_name [-s service_names] [-f] [-v] [-S level]
srvctl status service -d dev -s dev
srvctl enable service -d db_name -s service_names [–i inst_name]
srvctl enable service -d apps -s apps1
srvctl disable service -d db_name -s service_names [–i inst_name]
srvctl disable serv -d dev -s dev -i dev1
srvctl config service -d db_name [-s service_name] [-a] [-S level]
srvctl config service -d db_name -a -- -a shows TAF configuration
srvctl config service -d TEST -s test PREF:TST1 AVAIL:TST2
srvctl modify service -d db_name -s service_name -i old_inst_name -t new_inst_name [-f]
srvctl modify service -d db_name -s service_name -i avail_inst_name -r [-f]
srvctl modify service -d db_name -s service_name -n -i preferred_list [-a available_list] [-f]
srvctl modify service -d db_name -s service_name -i old_inst_name -a avail_inst -P TAF_policy
srvctl modify serv -d PROD -s DWH -n -i I1,I2,I3,I4 -a I5,I6
srvctl relocate service -d db_name -s service_name –i old_inst_name -t target_inst [-f]
srvctl getenv service -d db_name -s service_name -t name_list
srvctl setenv service -d db_name [-s service_name] {-t "name=val[,name=val,...]" | -T "name=val"}
srvctl unsetenv service -d db_name -s service_name -t name_list
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl add service -d db_unique_name -s service_name [-l [PRIMARY][,PHYSICAL_STANDBY][,LOGICAL_STANDBY][,SNAPSHOT_STANDBY]] [-y {AUTOMATIC|MANUAL}] [-q {true|false}] [-j {SHORT|LONG}] [-B {NONE|SERVICE_TIME|THROUGHPUT}][-e {NONE|SESSION|SELECT}] [-m {NONE|BASIC}][-z failover_retries] [-w failover_delay]
srvctl add service -d rac -s rac1 -q TRUE -m BASIC -e SELECT -z 180 -w 5 -j LONG
srvctl add service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -u {-r preferred_list | -a available_list}
srvctl add service -d db_unique_name -s service_name
-g server_pool [-c {UNIFORM|SINGLETON}] [-k network_number]
[-z failover_retries] [-w failover_delay]
srvctl add service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -r preferred_list [-a available_list] [-P {BASIC|NONE|PRECONNECT}]
[-m {NONE|BASIC}] [-x {TRUE|FALSE}] [-z failover_retries] [-w failover_delay]
srvctl add serv -d dev -s sales -r dev01,dev02 -a dev03 -P PRECONNECT
srvctl start service -d db_unique_name [-s "service_name_list" [-n node_name | -i instance_name]] [-o start_options]
srvctl start serv -d dev -s dev
srvctl start service -d dev -s dev -i dev2
srvctl stop service -d db_unique_name [-s "service_name_list"] [-n node_name | -i instance_name] [-f]
srvctl stop service -d dev -s dev
srvctl stop serv -d dev -s dev -i dev2
srvctl status service -d db_unique_name [-s "service_name_list"] [-f] [-v]
srvctl status service -d dev -s dev -v
srvctl enable service -d db_unique_name -s "service_name_list" [-i instance_name | -n node_name]
srvctl enable service -d dev -s dev
srvctl enable serv -d dev -s dev -i dev1
srvctl disable service -d db_unique_name -s "service_name_list" [-i instance_name | -n node_name]
srvctl disable service -d dev -s "dev,marketing"
srvctl disable serv -d dev -s dev -i dev1
srvctl config service -d db_unique_name [-s service_name] [-a]
srvctl config service -d dev -s dev
srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s service_name
srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -i old_instance_name -t new_instance_name [-f]
srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -i avail_inst_name -r [-f]
srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -n -i preferred_list [-a available_list] [-f]
srvctl modify service -d dev -s dev -i dev1 -t dev2
srvctl modify serv -d dev -s dev -i dev1 -r
srvctl modify service -d dev -s dev -n -i dev1 -a dev2
srvctl relocate service -d db_unique_name -s service_name {-c source_node -n target_node|-i old_instance_name -t new_instance_name} [-f]
srvctl relocate service -d dev -s dev -i dev1 -t dev3
#srvctl add nodeapps -n node_name -o ORACLE_HOME -A name|ip/netmask[/if1[|if2|...]]
#srvctl add nodeapps -n lnx02 -o $ORACLE_HOME -A
#srvctl remove nodeapps -n node_names [-f]
#srvctl start nodeapps -n node_name -- Starts GSD, VIP, listener & ONS
#srvctl stop nodeapps -n node_name [-r] -- Stops GSD, VIP, listener & ONS
#srvctl status nodeapps -n node_name
#srvctl config nodeapps -n node_name [-a] [-g] [-o] [-s] [-l]
-a Display VIP configuration
-g Display GSD configuration
-s Display ONS daemon configuration
-l Display listener configuration
#srvctl modify nodeapps -n node_name [-A new_vip_address]
#srvctl modify nodeapps -n lnx06 -A
#srvctl getenv nodeapps -n node_name [-t name_list]
#srvctl setenv nodeapps -n node_name {-t "name=val[,name=val,...]"|-T "name=val"}
#srvctl setenv nodeapps –n adcracdbq3 –t “TNS_ADMIN=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1/asm/network/admin”
#srvctl unsetenv nodeapps -n node_name [-t name_list]
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl add nodeapps -n node_name -A {name|ip}/netmask[/if1[|if2|...]] [-m multicast_ip_address] [-p multicast_port_number] [-l ons_local_port] [-r ons_remote-port] [-t host[:port][,host[:port],...]] [-v]
srvctl add nodeapps -S subnet/netmask[/if1[|if2|...]] [-d dhcp_server_type] [-m multicast_ip_address] [-p multicast_port_number] [-l ons_local_port] [-r ons_remote-port] [-t host[:port][,host[:port],...]] [-v]
#srvctl add nodeapps -n devnode1 -A
srvctl remove nodeapps [-f] [-y] [-v]
srvctl remove nodeapps
srvctl start nodeapps [-n node_name] [-v]
srvctl start nodeapps
srvctl stop nodeapps [-n node_name] [-r] [-v]
srvctl stop nodeapps
srvctl status nodeapps
srvctl enable nodeapps [-g] [-v]
srvctl enable nodeapps -g -v
srvctl disable nodeapps [-g] [-v]
srvctl disable nodeapps -g -v
srvctl config nodeapps [-a] [-g] [-s] [-e]
srvctl config nodeapps -a -g -s -e
srvctl modify nodeapps [-n node_name -A new_vip_address] [-S subnet/netmask[/if1[|if2|...]] [-m multicast_ip_address] [-p multicast_port_number] [-e eons_listen_port] [-l ons_local_port] [-r ons_remote_port] [-t host[:port][,host:port,...]] [-v]
srvctl modify nodeapps -n mynode1 -A 100.200.300.40/
srvctl getenv nodeapps [-a] [-g] [-s] [-e] [-t "name_list"] [-v]
srvctl getenv nodeapps -a
srvctl setenv nodeapps {-t "name=val[,name=val][...]" | -T "name=val"} [-v]
srvctl setenv nodeapps -T "CLASSPATH=/usr/local/jdk/jre/rt.jar" -v
srvctl unsetenv nodeapps -t "name_list" [-v]
srvctl unsetenv nodeapps -t "test_var1,test_var2"
srvctl add asm -n node_name -i asminstance -o ORACLE_HOME [-p spfile]
srvctl remove asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] [-f]
srvctl remove asm -n db6
srvctl start asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl start asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] [-o open]
srvctl start asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] -o nomount
srvctl start asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] -o mount
srvctl start asm -n linux01
srvctl stop asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] [-o stop_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
srvctl stop asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] [-o normal]
srvctl stop asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] -o transactional
srvctl stop asm -n node_name [-i asminstance] -o immediate
srvctl stop asm -n node_name [-i asminstance]-o abort
srvctl stop asm -n racnode1
srvctl stop asm -n devnode1 -i +asm1
srvctl status asm -n node_name
srvctl status asm -n racnode1
srvctl enable asm -n node_name [-i asminstance]
srvctl enable asm -n lnx03 -i +asm3
srvctl disable asm -n node_name [-i asminstance]
srvctl disable asm -n lnx02 -i +asm2
srvctl config asm -n node_name
srvctl config asm -n lnx08
srvctl modify asm -n node_name -i asminstance [-o ORACLE_HOME] [-p spfile]
srvctl modify asm –n rac6 -i +asm6 –o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1/asm
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl add asm [-l lsnr_name] [-p spfile] [-d asm_diskstring]
srvctl add asm
srvctl add asm -l LISTENERASM -p +dg_data/spfile.ora
srvctl remove asm [-f]
srvctl remove asm -f
srvctl start asm [-n node_name] [-o start_options]
srvctl start asm -n devnode1
srvctl stop asm [-n node_name] [-o stop_options] [-f]
srvctl stop asm -n devnode1 -f
srvctl status asm [-n node_name] [-a]
srvctl status asm -n devnode1 -a
srvctl enable asm [-n node_name]
srvctl enable asm -n devnode1
srvctl disable asm [-n node_name]
srvctl disable asm -n devnode1
srvctl config asm [-a]
srvctl config asm -a
srvctl modify asm [-l lsnr_name] [-p spfile] [-d asm_diskstring]
srvctl modify asm [-n node_name] [-l listener_name] [-d asm_diskstring] [-p spfile_path_name]
srvctl modify asm -l lsnr1
srvctl getenv asm [-t name[, ...]]
srvctl getenv asm
srvctl setenv asm {-t "name=val [,...]" | -T "name=value"}
srvctl setenv asm -t LANG=en
srvctl unsetenv asm -t "name[, ...]"
srvctl unsetenv asm -t CLASSPATH
srvctl add listener -n node_name -o ORACLE_HOME [-l listener_name] -- 11g R1 command
srvctl remove listener -n node_name [-l listener_name] -- 11g R1 command
srvctl start listener -n node_name [-l listener_names]
srvctl start listener -n node1
srvctl stop listener -n node_name [-l listener_names]
srvctl stop listener -n node1
srvctl status listener [-n node_name] [-l listener_names] -- 11g R1 command
srvctl status listener -n node2
srvctl config listener -n node_name
srvctl modify listener -n node_name [-l listener_names] -o ORACLE_HOME -- 11g R1 command
srvctl modify listener -n racdb4 -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1/asm -l "LISTENER_RACDB4"
In 11g Release 2, some command's syntax has been changed:
srvctl add listener [-l lsnr_name] [-s] [-p "[TCP:]port[, ...][/IPC:key][/NMP:pipe_name][/TCPS:s_port] [/SDP:port]"] [-k network_number] [-o ORACLE_HOME]
srvctl add listener -l LISTENERASM -p "TCP:1522" -o $ORACLE_HOME
srvctl add listener -l listener112 -p 1341 -o /ora/ora112
srvctl remove listener [-l lsnr_name|-a] [-f]
srvctl remove listener -l lsnr01
srvctl stop listener [-n node_name] [-l lsnr_name] [-f]
srvctl enable listener [-l lsnr_name] [-n node_name]
srvctl enable listener -l listener_dev -n node5
srvctl disable listener [-l lsnr_name] [-n node_name]
srvctl disable listener -l listener_dev -n node5
srvctl config listener [-l lsnr_name] [-a]
srvctl config listener
srvctl modify listener [-l listener_name] [-o oracle_home] [-u user_name] [-p "[TCP:]port_list[/IPC:key][/NMP:pipe_name][/TCPS:s_port][/SDP:port]"] [-k network_number]
srvctl modify listener -n node1 -p "TCP:1521,1522"
srvctl getenv listener [-l lsnr_name] [-t name[, ...]]
srvctl getenv listener
srvctl setenv listener [-l lsnr_name] {-t "name=val [,...]" | -T "name=value"}
srvctl setenv listener -t LANG=en
srvctl unsetenv listener [-l lsnr_name] -t "name[, ...]"
srvctl unsetenv listener -t "TNS_ADMIN"
New srvctl commands in 11g Release 2
srvctl remove diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list] [-f]
srvctl remove diskgroup -g DG1 -f
srvctl start diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list]
srvctl start diskgroup -g diskgroup1 -n node1,node2
srvctl stop diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list] [-f]
srvctl stop diskgroup -g ASM_FRA_DG
srvctl stop diskgroup -g dg1 -n node1,node2 -f
srvctl status diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list] [-a]
srvctl status diskgroup -g dg_data -n node1,node2 -a
srvctl enable diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list]
srvctl enable diskgroup -g diskgroup1 -n node1,node2
srvctl disable diskgroup -g diskgroup_name [-n node_list]
srvctl disable diskgroup -g dg_fra -n node1, node2
srvctl start home -o ORACLE_HOME -s state_file [-n node_name]
srvctl start home -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -s ~/state.txt
srvctl stop home -o ORACLE_HOME -s state_file [-t stop_options] [-n node_name] [-f]
srvctl stop home -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -s ~/state.txt
srvctl status home -o ORACLE_HOME -s state_file [-n node_name]
srvctl status home -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -s ~/state.txt
ONS (Oracle Notification Service):
srvctl add ons [-l ons-local-port] [-r ons-remote-port] [-t host[:port][,host[:port]...]] [-v]
srvctl add ons -l 6200
srvctl remove ons [-f] [-v]
srvctl remove ons -f
srvctl start ons [-v]
srvctl start ons -v
srvctl stop ons [-v]
srvctl stop ons -v
srvctl status ons
srvctl enable ons [-v]
srvctl enable ons
srvctl disable ons [-v]
srvctl disable ons
srvctl config ons
srvctl modify ons [-l ons-local-port] [-r ons-remote-port] [-t host[:port][,host[:port]...]] [-v]
srvctl modify ons
EONS (E Oracle Notification Service):
srvctl add eons [-p portnum] [-m multicast-ip-address] [-e eons-listen-port] [-v]
#srvctl add eons -p 2018
srvctl remove eons [-f] [-v]
srvctl remove eons -f
srvctl start eons [-v]
srvctl start eons
srvctl stop eons [-f] [-v]
srvctl stop eons -f
srvctl status eons
srvctl enable eons [-v]
srvctl enable eons
srvctl disable eons [-v]
srvctl disable eons
srvctl config eons
srvctl modify eons [-m multicast_ip_address] [-p multicast_port_number] [-e eons_listen_port] [-v]
srvctl modify eons -p 2018
srvctl add filesystem -d volume_device -v volume_name -g diskgroup_name [-m mountpoint_path] [-u user_name]
srvctl add filesystem -d /dev/asm/d1volume1 -v VOLUME1 -d RAC_DATA -m /oracle/cluster1/acfs1
srvctl remove filesystem -d volume_device_name [-f]
srvctl remove filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol1
srvctl start filesystem -d volume_device_name [-n node_name]
srvctl start filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol3
srvctl stop filesystem -d volume_device_name [-n node_name] [-f]
srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol1 -f
srvctl status filesystem -d volume_device_name
srvctl status filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol2
srvctl enable filesystem -d volume_device_name
srvctl enable filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol9
srvctl disable filesystem -d volume_device_name
srvctl disable filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol1
srvctl config filesystem -d volume_device_path
srvctl modify filesystem -d volume_device_name -u user_name
srvctl modify filesystem -d /dev/asm/racvol1 -u sysadmin
SrvPool (Server Pool):
srvctl add srvpool -g server_pool [-i importance] [-l min_size] [-u max_size] [-n node_list] [-f]
srvctl add srvpool -g SP1 -i 1 -l 3 -u 7 -n node1,node2
srvctl remove srvpool -g server_pool
srvctl remove srvpool -g srvpool1
srvctl status srvpool [-g server_pool] [-a]
srvctl status srvpool -g srvpool2 -a
srvctl config srvpool [-g server_pool]
srvctl config srvpool -g dbpool
srvctl modify srvpool -g server_pool [-i importance] [-l min_size] [-u max_size] [-n node_name_list] [-f]
srvctl modify srvpool -g srvpool4 -i 0 -l 2 -u 4 -n node3, node4
srvctl status server -n "server_name_list" [-a]
srvctl status server -n server11 -a
srvctl relocate server -n "server_name_list" -g server_pool_name [-f]
srvctl relocate server -n "linux1, linux2" -g sp2
Scan (Single Client Access Name):
srvctl add scan -n scan_name [-k network_number] [-S subnet/netmask[/if1[|if2|...]]]
#srvctl add scan -n
srvctl remove scan [-f]
srvctl remove scan
srvctl remove scan -f
srvctl start scan [-i ordinal_number] [-n node_name]
srvctl start scan
srvctl start scan -i 1 -n node1
srvctl stop scan [-i ordinal_number] [-f]
srvctl stop scan
srvctl stop scan -i 1
srvctl status scan [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl status scan
srvctl status scan -i 1
srvctl enable scan [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl enable scan
srvctl enable scan -i 1
srvctl disable scan [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl disable scan
srvctl disable scan -i 3
srvctl config scan [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl config scan
srvctl config scan -i 2
srvctl modify scan -n scan_name
srvctl modify scan
srvctl modify scan -n scan1
srvctl relocate scan -i ordinal_number [-n node_name]
srvctl relocate scan -i 2 -n node2
srvctl add scan_listener [-l lsnr_name_prefix] [-s] [-p "[TCP:]port_list[/IPC:key][/NMP:pipe_name][/TCPS:s_port] [/SDP:port]"]
#srvctl add scan_listener -l myscanlistener
srvctl remove scan_listener [-f]
srvctl remove scan_listener
srvctl remove scan_listener -f
srvctl start scan_listener [-n node_name] [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl start scan_listener
srvctl start scan_listener -i 1
srvctl stop scan_listener [-i ordinal_number] [-f]
srvctl stop scan_listener -i 3
srvctl status scan_listener [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl status scan_listener
srvctl status scan_listener -i 1
srvctl enable scan_listener [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl enable scan_listener
srvctl enable scan_listener -i 2
srvctl disable scan_listener [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl disable scan_listener
srvctl disable scan_listener -i 1
srvctl config scan_listener [-i ordinal_number]
srvctl config scan_listener
srvctl config scan_listener -i 3
srvctl modify scan_listener {-p [TCP:]port[/IPC:key][/NMP:pipe_name] [/TCPS:s_port][/SDP:port] | -u }
srvctl modify scan_listener -u
srvctl relocate scan_listener -i ordinal_number [-n node_name]
srvctl relocate scan_listener -i 1
GNS (Grid Naming Service):
srvctl add gns -i ip_address -d domain
srvctl add gns -i -d
srvctl remove gns [-f]
srvctl remove gns
srvctl start gns [-l log_level] [-n node_name]
srvctl start gns
srvctl stop gns [-n node_name [-v] [-f]
srvctl stop gns
srvctl status gns [-n node_name]
srvctl status gns
srvctl enable gns [-n node_name]
srvctl enable gns
srvctl disable gns [-n node_name]
srvctl disable gns -n devnode2
srvctl config gns [-a] [-d] [-k] [-m] [-n node_name] [-p] [-s] [-V] [-q name] [-l] [-v]
srvctl config gns -n lnx03
srvctl modify gns [-i ip_address] [-d domain]
srvctl modify gns -i
srvctl relocate gns [-n node_name]
srvctl relocate gns -n node2
VIP (Virtual Internet Protocol):
srvctl add vip -n node_name -A {name|ip}/netmask[/if1[if2|...]] [-k network_number] [-v]
#srvctl add vip -n node96 -A -k 2
srvctl remove vip -i "vip_name_list" [-f] [-y] [-v]
srvctl remove vip -i "vip1,vip2,vip3" -f -y -v
srvctl start vip {-n node_name|-i vip_name} [-v]
srvctl start vip -i dev1-vip -v
srvctl stop vip {-n node_name|-i vip_name} [-r] [-v]
srvctl stop vip -n node1 -v
srvctl status vip {-n node_name|-i vip_name}
srvctl status vip -i node1-vip
srvctl enable vip -i vip_name [-v]
srvctl enable vip -i prod-vip -v
srvctl disable vip -i vip_name [-v]
srvctl disable vip -i vip3 -v
srvctl config vip {-n node_name|-i vip_name}
srvctl config vip -n devnode2
srvctl getenv vip -i vip_name [-t "name_list"] [-v]
srvctl getenv vip -i node1-vip
srvctl setenv vip -i vip_name {-t "name=val[,name=val,...]" | -T "name=val"}
srvctl setenv vip -i dev1-vip -t LANG=en
srvctl unsetenv vip -i vip_name -t "name_list" [-v]
srvctl unsetenv vip -i myvip -t CLASSPATH
OC4J (Oracle Container for Java):
srvctl add oc4j [-v]
srvctl add oc4j
srvctl remove oc4j [-f] [-v]
srvctl remove oc4j
srvctl start ocj4 [-v]
srvctl start ocj4 -v
srvctl stop oc4j [-f] [-v]
srvctl stop oc4j -f -v
srvctl status oc4j [-n node_name]
srvctl status oc4j -n lnx01
srvctl enable oc4j [-n node_name] [-v]
srvctl enable oc4j -n dev3
srvctl disable oc4j [-n node_name] [-v]
srvctl disable oc4j -n dev1
srvctl config oc4j
srvctl modify oc4j -p oc4j_rmi_port [-v]
srvctl modify oc4j -p 5385
srvctl relocate oc4j [-n node_name] [-v]
srvctl relocate oc4j -n lxn06 -v
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
OAM 11g Single Sign-On and OAM 11g Cookies
How SSO works in OAM 11g
How SSO works in OAM 11g
Here at Oracle, the access management PM team gets asked a lot of questions about how Oracle Access Manager 11g works, especially about the overall SSO model, what cookies are created and what they do, and processing flows between components, and how specific component interactions work to achieve authentication and SSO. In this post, we will explore the OAM 11g SSO model. It’s quite a bit different from the OAM 10g model, especially since we now support things like server side credential collection, server-based session management, and application scoped sessions.
Before we get started, it’s worth noting that OAM 11g supports the use of both OAM 10g and 11g Webgates as well as mod_osso plug-ins for Oracle HTTP Server (OHS). We support this through what we call the Protocol Compatibility Framework, which lets the OAM server communicate with and interpret protocol messages from the webtier agents mentioned above. This is an extensible framework so has the potential to support other clients or agents in the future.
OAM 11g uses a combination of host cookies or domain cookies (depending on the version of Webgate you use), a server cookie, and an in-memory session store (based on Oracle Coherence technology) to maintain and correlate user session information.
Since OAM 11g supports different Webgate versions and mod_osso, you will see different cookies depending on the version of Webgate being used, you will either see the ObSSOCookie (for 10g) or OAMAuthnCookie_host:port (for 11g).
However in both cases, the contents of the cookies are:
Authenticated User Identity (User DN)
Authentication Level
IP Address
SessionID (Reference to Server side session – OAM11g Only)
Session Validity (Start Time, Refresh Time)
Session InActivity Timeouts (Global Inactivity, Max Inactivity)
Validation Hash
These cookies are updated periodically using an algorithm of 1/4 of idle session timeout. There are two main differences between the 10g and 11g cookies:
The 10g ObSSOCookie is domain scoped and cookie encryption uses a shared key for all 10g Webgates.
The 11g OAMAuthnCookie is hosted scoped and different host cookies may be issued for each resource accessed that is protected by a different 11g Webgate. Cookie encryption for each 11g Webgate is unique to that Webgate.
The values of the cookies will change over the life of a user's session, however you'll notice that the Session ID that is present is a reference to the server side session object, which remains the same across the life of a session.
In the typical deployment topology, you’ll have one or more Webgates deployed on web servers in the Web Tier, a variety of components deployed in the App Tier including an OAM admin server running on the Weblogic domain’s admin server, one or more OAM runtime servers deployed on Weblogic managed servers, a database to support the OAM policies, an LDAP directory against which you will authenticate users, an optional auditing database, and an optional BI Publisher instance for reporting.
Using an OAM 11g Webgate in the flow, let’s recap how this works:
1) An OAM 11g Webgate intercepts the incoming request for a resource, determines whether the resource is protected, and – if it is – the OAM 11g server constructs and returns a response back to the Webgate. That response contains the authentication scheme required to authenticate the user.
2) Next the Webgate sets a cookie (called OAM_REQ) to keep track of the target/requested URL and then redirects to the OAM 11g server, which routes the request to the credential collector. The credential collector serves up the login page, which captures credentials and posts the credentials to the OAM server. The credentials are validated against the ID store configured for this particular authentication scheme. Once the credentials are validated, the OAM server creates an authentication token, the session in Coherence, and creates a server side session cookie called the OAM_ID cookie, which has details about the user, the time the session was created, the idle timeout, and session identifier to the coherence session.
3) Then the OAM server constructs a response which is encrypted with the Webgate's key and redirects to the Webgate. The Webgate decrypts the response, extracts the authentication token and the session identifier, and uses that information to set OAMAuthnCookie, which is set as a host cookie: OAMAuthnCookie_. (In this step if you are using an OAM 10g webgate, the response from the server will contain the information required to set ObSSOCookie, if you are using mod_osso, the response will contain the information required to set the OHS host cookie.)
4) When subsequent requests are made from that Webgate, the authentication token is passed by the Webgate to the OAM server, which validates the authentication token, checks the validity of the OAM_ID cookie and session timeout, and does the appropriate authorization checks. As the result of authorization checks, additional attributes may be added to HTTP Headers and passed to downstream applications. This is especially useful when asserting user identity and group or role information to downstream applications such as those running on Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware.
5) When requesting a resource protected by a second Webgate, the request flow will be similar to the above. Webgate2 will check if the resource is protected, and get the authn scheme details from the OAM server. From there WG2 redirects to the OAM server, the OAM server checks the OAM_ID cookie, and then generates a new authentication token for WG2, creates an encrypted response using the key for WG2, and redirects to WG2. WG2 decrypts the response, extracts the authentication token and session identifiers and sets an OAMAuthnCookie as a host cookie for W
courtsey :
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